Materials and Projects


Booking Inquiries:


Oke Legal Group (Instagram): social media outlet dedicated to sharing up-to-date news on U.S immigration and immigration general knowledge utilizing content creation tools and furthering the Oke Legal Group brand. a boutique travel consulting company that utilizes digital tools to assist clients in planning and curating their travel experiences from start to finish. Products include ready-to-purchase itineraries, custom itineraries, content creation consultation, sartorial consultation.

SheaLuxe: handmade shea butter infused body care targeted at the millennial, working class audience. 


The Tito Effect: a social media brand that garnered 10,000+ viewers at its peak.  The brand documented travel to over 25 countries through the blog and supporting Instagram handle, shared travel tips, and also covered other topics such as fashion, lifestyle, and general content creation. Skills utilized and practiced include brand marketing, brand development, content creation, website management, and video editing.